Tuesday 31 January 2012

Introducing the keyboard

So I guess we should start off with the basics: Key recognition

The typical piano keyboard (as you all have probably seen before) looks like this:

Now you might notice a certain pattern here. There are the white keys and on top of them are a few black keys in groups of 2 and 3.

Here is another picture of just one octave (set) of keys:

Observe the letters on the keys. We use alphabets to label them. Now you might be confused as to why A comes after G.Well, to put it in simply, G is the last letter when it comes to notes. In music, there is no H, I, etc. only A to G, and then the order repeats.

An octave is an interval of 8 notes, starting from one note and ending on a higher version of that same note, as shown in the picture, where we start at C and finish on a higher C.

You guys might want to try and familiarize yourselves with the layout of the keyboard so that it is easy to know where the different notes are. Use the position of the black keys to help you. For example, remember that there are three black keys between F, G, A and B, and two black keys between C, D and E.

Here is a slightly longer version of the keyboard layout:

Do not worry about the black keys for now, we will get to them later. If anyone has any questions/doubts, do leave a comment or e-mail, I'll be more than happy to help.
Next post I will be introducing notes and scales.

Credits for the images go to Jamorama.com, Playpiano.com and Keyboard-piano-sale.blogspot.com

Monday 23 January 2012

Official Launching :)

So guys, first and foremost, WELCOME!
Basically the title of the blog speaks for itself, I'm hoping to be able to help people who want to learn to play the piano, as well as interact/discuss with them in a friendly environment. I will probably post video tutorials, sheet music, or detailed explanations about things that you guys may be having difficulty on. I encourage you guys to approach me, don't be shy, and engage in discussions or share your thoughts with other readers as well.